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“Women Peacemakers: What We Can Learn from Them,” is a very interesting, thought- provoking, and inspirational read for men and women alike. When I first received this book, I was not sure that it would be my kind of reading, but I am always eager to expand and venture into new avenues.

I’m glad I did because I was very surprised to find out how wrong I actually was. Dr. Chambliss has interviewed and written about some truly amazing women who are so courageous in their goals of creating a better life for themselves and those around them. As a reader, you cannot help but be impressed and hopeful that you can strive to become even half of what they are.

Dr. Chambliss started the book with what seems to be one goal… further developing her understanding of peace and how it is created. In so doing, she has presented, I prefer to use the word conversations rather than interviews, with 15 women from incredibly varied backgrounds. The book includes a nun from Ireland, an orphan from Africa, and a soldier from Israel, and the list goes on. Each story is a moving and fitting tribute to the woman who tells it and gives the reader a reason to continue reading and be motivated by what they are learning to go out and, possibly, live a more peaceful and encouraging life as they move forward.

The book is extremely well-written and, rather than coming across as a boring and monotonous interview book telling others what to do and how to do it, the story comes across as a novel about incredible ladies that we would all like to attempt to be like. I was extremely impressed by the writing, the stories, and the overall feel of the book and would recommend it to anyone. I thank the ladies for sharing their stories and I thank Dr. Chambliss for putting it all together in a way what remained stimulating and interesting from the first page to the last.


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